
Amptec promotes wellbeing in elementary school via acoustic treatment

De Driesprong

01-09-2021 / Corporate / Acoustics /

Acoustic treatment at VBS De Driesprong

All too often, the typical educational environments of classrooms, gymnasiums, even the school foyer, are extremely hostile from an acoustic point of view - an abundance of hard, reflective surfaces such as cabinets, windows, hard floors etc. create uncomfortably reverberant environments that increase ambient noise levels and make it difficult to hear and be heard. The Driesprong elementary school in Bilzen suffered from just such problems and turned to Amptec to resolve them.

The gymnasium was the first area that required attention. Amptec decided to glue their own PET panels directly to the gym ceiling, providing a more robust solution than suspended acoustic clouds which may not have survived against kids playing ball games. The difference was felt immediately by the gym teacher. 'The reverb caused by the pupils chatting is almost completely gone, which is a huge improvement,' says school principal Jan Daenen.

"Since we've had the acoustic treatment, we've been able to organise moments of reflection and singing classes in the hall, which is wonderful. And it even looks good!"

The foyer, which also has activity purposes, was another problem area for the school. 'It was impossible to host an activity with multiple classes because of the excessive noise levels,' recalls Daenen. 'Since we've had the acoustic treatment, we've been able to organise moments of reflection and singing classes in the hall, which is wonderful. And it even looks good!'

"Everyone is calmer and the teachers don't have to shout to be understood, which is a huge improvement for everyone."

Amptec opted for a selection of Artnovion Azores acoustic clouds and Artnovion Myriad panels in pewter grey for a classic timeless look that has significantly improved the acoustics to the benefit of all concerned. 'Pupils and teachers benefit from the difference every day,' says Daenen. 'The reverb has decreased tremendously, making it possible for us to hold activities that were unimaginable before. Everyone is calmer and the teachers don't have to shout to be understood, which is a huge improvement for everyone.'

Partners in this project

Amptec acstx

De Driesprong
Sint-Jozefstraat 14 A
3740 Bilzen