Broadcast Bionics


DPG Media implements Bionic Studio Talkshow


Longtime Amptec client DPG Media has invested in Broadcast Bionic’s Bionic Studio Talkshow suite to improve both workflow and audio quality of radio talkshows with live callers.


DPG’s decision to upgrade their systems was prompted by complaints from radio producers of subpar audio quality and unintelligible phone conversations. Additionally, the lack of certain key features with their existing solution incited DPG to explore alternatives. When Amptec proposed Talkshow, it soon became clear that the improvements at every level of workflow and audio quality would be undeniable.


Talkshow integrates with DARIO - DPG’s editorial system – through an API which allows the radio station’s call screener/producer to communicate with the caller via a headset and manage all further actions – such as call hold, routing etc. – quickly and easily via an intuitive software interface. The radio presenter in the studio also has visibility of the software and can see at a glance the identity of the caller and which line they’re on. There is also the possibility for a quick off-air chat between the caller and presenter or producer before going live.


Post-production is also made easy thanks to Talkshow. Telephone conversations are recorded ‘dry’ on a voice-only bus via the mixing console, making it straightforward to edit in a variety of formats for rebroadcast or online versions.


DPG Media are very satisfied with the new solution which has noticeably streamlined workflow and improved audio quality – their only regret was that it wasn’t implemented sooner!

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