TC electronic spring special
16-05-2013Buy Reverb or Mastering 6000, and:
Get free ICON & CPU with every unit.
Get the following Licenses for free: Multichannel Mastering or Reverb, Unwrap HD, LM6 Loudness Meter, Live Aid and Engage.
DB Trade-in campaign: Trade-in your DBMAX, P2 or DB2 against a DB4MKII or DB8MKII in any configuration, and get full credit for your old, working unit, regardless of age or physical condition
Valid until June 15th 2013.
Get free ICON & CPU with every unit.
Get the following Licenses for free: Multichannel Mastering or Reverb, Unwrap HD, LM6 Loudness Meter, Live Aid and Engage.
DB Trade-in campaign: Trade-in your DBMAX, P2 or DB2 against a DB4MKII or DB8MKII in any configuration, and get full credit for your old, working unit, regardless of age or physical condition
Valid until June 15th 2013.
Contact,,, for more info and pricing.