d&b audiotechnik


d&b audiotechnik V-Series point source


A new breed of point source loudspeakers.

The d&b audiotechnik V7P, V10P and V-GSUB provide the perfect high powered point source system: with d&b amplifiers at its heart and d&b software for simulation and control. A true one size fits all approach thanks to their efficient 3-way passive design and impressive output capabilities. A wide range of rigging options increases flexibility, to meet the needs of the most demanding sound reinforcement tasks. Permanent installations are covered by the Vi7P, Vi10P and Vi-GSUB; the same as their mobile counterparts, except with an integration friendly cabinet design.

These high performance point source loudspeakers are the ideal alternative to smaller line array setups, especially considering the lightweight design and wide range of rigging options. The V7P and V10P use an advanced hornloaded mid range section, which provides a remarkable MF sensitivity. This exceptional MF performance, particularly in the vocal range, is where these compact cabinets excel, making them perfect for applications which demand high sound pressure levels with full bandwidth capabilities from a single box solution.

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